My plan was to hike from Schiedam to Terbregge, Rotterdam, but during my hike I changed my mind. This is the report of my hike on the Great Rivers trail from Schiedam to the Kleiweg, Rotterdam (part of Variant A Rottemeren). Recently I also bought the booklet of the Great Rivers trail. This is a lot easier to take along than a stack of printed A4s.
I start at the point where I stopped last time: at the northern edge of Schiedam, the end (now the beginning) of the long cycle path of last time. I now turn right into a cycle path with rows of tall trees on the horizon. I don’t see any red-and-white markings, but I just continue on the cycle path. When the cycle path bends to the right, I can walk on a footpath. Still no markings. I take a look in the booklet. I think I’m going in the right direction, but I’m not entirely sure. There are several footpaths in this area. I keep following the edge of Schiedam, then at least I should go the right way.
Kerkbuurt at Schiedam
According to the booklet, I have to walk parallel to the train track and then end up on the other side of the track. The next road at a T-junction is the train track crossing, but there is a sign about construction work and I cannot get through. So I turn right. I walk past a riding school and an old brick house and at some point I pass the Sint Jacobus de Meerdere-church.
Other trail guide about the same region
I’m going the wrong way after all, in the booklet the trail goes along the Kerkbuurt (Church quarter), but not actually along a church. I do walk parallel to the trail the whole time. I decide to turn left and walk towards the trail. I end up at a railway bridge and can walk underneath it on a boardwalk. At the next bridge over the Poldervaart I finally end up on the trail.
The trail now follows the Broekkade which becomes the Polderweg eventually. There are houses on the left-hand side and water on the right-hand side. A pair of swans with young are standing by the water. I walk around it with a big curve and take some pictures at a (one and a half meter 🙂 ) distance.
Various beautiful flowers, in all kinds of colours, grow at the waterside. Young ducklings and coots swim in the water. It is surprising that such a quiet country road lies just North from Rotterdam and that you don’t notice much of the city.
At the end of the Polderweg I go for a while across the industrial area of the Spaanse Polder and end up at the Hoge brug of Overschie. The Grote Kerk of Overschie is also visible in the background.

Source: Wikipedia
I continue my way through the old part of Overschie, and where the Rotterdamse Schie starts I turn right. I’ve been in this part before, so from here on I don’t see any new things. I do take a picture of various colours of water lilies. After the underpass of the A13 highway I rest for a while on a bench.
Zestienhoven park
After my break I walk along the edge of Zestienhoven park. Zestienhoven district is one of the newest districts of Rotterdam, with parts still under construction. The new residential area has already grown quite a bit. The high-speed railway line also runs under the district. This has been nicely resolved by creating a park with bridges over it. On the right hand side I come across the mill called de Speelman.
I finally arrive at the Kleiweg in Rotterdam near the Sint Franciscus Gasthuis. I decide to stop and walk home. Luckily I live not far from here.
Final thoughts
The start of the trail was a bit of a search, but all in all it was an excellent hiking trail with more greenery than you’d expect. The best part was the Broekkade and the old part of Overschie.
More info:
Trail: section 18 Long distance trail 6 Great rivers trail, Variant A via Rottemeren.Where: from Schiedam to Kleiweg, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland in The Netherlands
No. of km: +/- 12 km
Hiking date: 21 june 2020
Materials used for illustration: watercolour pencils (map) and coloured pencils (rest)
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
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