In the summer of 2021, I did a very nice project, which was a painting of someone’s sports car in a The Fast & the Furious scene. Again, a very different commission than I had done before.
The assignment
The assignment was to make a painting of a yellow sports car. I could decide for myself, in consultation with the client of course, what the background should look like. Because the person in question is crazy about The Fast & the Furious films, I placed the car next to other famous cars and in a famous scene from the film.
As always, I started with a sketch and outline of the cars and the background. The background has been made slightly larger in the sketch, so that it fits better on the paper.
Then I continued with the black background and added the first layer of watercolour paint for the cars. Then I worked everything out in detail in the foreground. I deliberately left the people in the background vague, so that they would not be the focus of attention. I also added a moon and stars, because otherwise the background would be one big black area. The constellation of the owner of the car was added as a final personal touch. Do you recognise the constellation? Leave it in the comments below this article.
The painting was made on A3 size on cold pressed watercolour paper. For the passe-partout, I finally chose a bright blue colour that comes back in the light of the middle car. Unfortunately, it was not possible to use the same yellow as the other car for the passe-partout, as this colour yellow is not available. Finally, I used a black basic frame.
As you can see in the photo below, the owner is very proud of his car and the painting!
Are you also interested in a portrait of your car? Please contact me for more information.
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